BMWA Members Refer Clients Page
You have a client prospect, but you are too busy, on vacation, on a leave of absence, not up to speed, etc.? Please use the following form to refer a Client Prospect. You will receive a $100 referral fee by Gift Card, Check or Money Order; please not note your choice on the form. Payment time of the referral fee will be determined by the Member Consultant involved in enrolling the client. The earliest would be at the time of enrollment and the latest after a deferred fee has been received by Member Consultant.
Please double check the Prospect's contact information so this is efficient and unnecessary to keep contacting you about it. You will notice some details in the form that will ensure this is someone you have spoken with as we don't want leads from a list. NOTE: It is best if you do not show a loan analysis to your prospect referral in advance, please leave this up to the Member involved.
Please double check the Prospect's contact information so this is efficient and unnecessary to keep contacting you about it. You will notice some details in the form that will ensure this is someone you have spoken with as we don't want leads from a list. NOTE: It is best if you do not show a loan analysis to your prospect referral in advance, please leave this up to the Member involved.